That’s a good thing.

I was just surfing around the website and came across a short exercise called “Three Good Things.” The exercise invites us to think about three good things that happened today … and why. I tried to do the exercise without...

Waking up with Monkey Mind

Today’s Simply Celebrate newsletter was all about waking up into anxiety and depression … and some tricks to keep Monkey Mind from pulling me into the pit. If you don’t subscribe, you can sign up here. The newsletter goes out every...

Jump In.

I had a dream recently in which I am going skydiving with a friend. I am really scared that the parachute won’t work. I say to my friend, “This is a risk where I believe I might either feel amazingly wonderful and free and strong afterward … or I...


I read this contribution by Wes Haley in Leah Garchik’s Chronicle column recently: A Redding newspaper obit for an elderly woman advised, “In lieu of flowers or charity donations, please take a friend out for a piece of pie.”...

Happiest Moments …

I was recently the lucky winner  of’s “Happiest Moment” photo contest. The winning pic is the one of my son, above. (The other pic is me with my “winning photo” mug! Here’s what the moment was for me:...