Sherry Richert Belul has spent the last twenty years practicing finding the gifts in everyday life.
Using disappointment, depression, and anxiety as her teachers, Sherry has developed products and practices for celebrating ourselves, the people we love, and the shape of our lives — even when nothing looks the way we had imagined.
May each and every one of these free products bring you great delight as you create + give them. And may the recipients feel the love.
Create a life of celebration: practice joy.
Love List Printable
Click the link below to download a free ready-to-make gift called a Love List. The Love List is one of the best gifts you can give someone in your life. It doesn’t cost a dime, but it will be cherished forever.
Also included in your download are lots of presentation ideas
The Love List is not only easy to make, it is also a joy to make. It won’t cost you a dime, but will be the most valued gift they’ve ever received.
Love Ninja Notes
Create pinpricks of light for friends, loved ones, and strangers. Simply print out this free PDF, jot down a little love, and leave the notes where folks can find them. Make someone happy!
How to survive in the dark
Blues Buster for You
Here’s an audio to help you when you’re blue.
Blues Buster for Them
But wait — there’s more! Also download this free printable. Take a moment to fill it out + send it out to make someone happy. Five minutes of your time could mean the world to someone who may be feeling blue. And the real secret is … when you’re feeling blue, the quickest way to feel better is to send some love out into the world. Be a pinprick of light + your own world brightens.
50 Quick Pik-me-ups
Did you know that in just a few minutes, you can boost your energy + have a renewed zest for life