How are you, my friend?
I’m thinking of you and popping by with a quick hello on this Friday in April.
I hope your heart feels content. If you are troubled, sad, or alone, be sure to reach out to someone you trust. It always helps to connect.
Keep your eyes out for anyone you know who may be especially quiet. They may need a little lifeline that you can toss out via a card, call, or text. You can say, “Hey, you’re on my mind. I love you. Tell me a sentence about how you are.”
That gives them a chance to open up if they want. (Sometimes we need a little nudge to know it is okay to share.)
One of my favorite little uplift additions when I am checking in on a friend or surprising them with a card in the mail, is to include some “pop-up love.”
You may be able to see in the photo up above that there are four little square cards — each one fits in the palm of my hand. These are cards I buy from a company called Compendium. They are called “Thoughtfulls Pop-Open Cards.”
They literally do pop-open! (Or pop-up, as I always say!) Inside each little card is a quote.
I opened the “You Matter” one for YOU this morning. This is the quote: “If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet…” (Fred Rogers)
That is such a perfect card for YOU! Do you know how important you are to me? If you weren’t here, there would be no one for me to talk to right now about things I really care about.
YOU are my friend, whether we have met in person or ever even emailed. We are friends because we share what matters together.
Maybe there is someone in your life who needs to hear that Mr. Rogers message? You can copy and paste the quote into a text or write it in a card. Don’t wait, okay?
Never put off expressing love or care to someone in your life.
We just don’t know how much they may need to have a boost.
AND, watch! It will be a boost for you, too! Sending love is its own uplift. That’s one of the reasons I love the “Say it Now” philosophy!
By the way, I’m not affiliated with Compendium in any way except I have been buying these little cards for many years and I absolutely love them.
I like to share things that make my life feel a bit more joyful.
You are a gift in my life.
I love you and am cheering you on, always.
Thanks for who you are. Thanks for all the love you give!
Remember, gifts to have to be costly or take a lot of time. A gift is anytime we intentionally give some positive energy to someone!
Seek celebration — even in the dark corners,
xo Sherry
💝 P.P.S. These little pop-open cards are also fun to leave in someone’s coat pocket, shoe, or egg carton! You can write a little note on the back. Or make it anonymous!