A Love List is one of the most meaningful and treasured gifts we can give someone!
What is a Love List?
Check out this video and free download on the Love List, my all-time favorite gift for special occasions. It is free (and fun!) to make and can transform someone’s life!
Love List Prompts
Need some help making your Love List? Here are some Love List Prompts.
Love List Twists + Presentation Ideas
Visit this page for some fun ideas for Love List Gift Twists, including making Love List Fortune Cookies, Love List Joy Jar, Love List Easter Baskets, and more.
Done-for-you Love List Gifts
Schedule a 30-minute conversation with me to have me create an amazing Love List for your loved one.
- A whole book of Love Lists from someone’s friends/family
Check out Celebration Tribute Books that are like expanded Love Lists, chock-full of stories, wishes, and photos from a group of someone’s closest friends and family.
- Love List Pics on Pinterest
Visit my Pinterest Board, Love List Gifts, with lots of ideas for presenting your Love List.
- Love List Ten-Pak Templates
Order a professionally-designed 10-pak of Love Lists, which you can easily print out, fill out, and give out to people you love.
- Readers’ Love Lists
Check out these stories from folks who have given Love Lists, and some reader submissions of Love List ideas.
- Love List 90-Minute Workshop
Create a knock-their-socks-off Love List with these creative ideas in a 90-minute audio workshop.
- The New Black Friday Annual Love List Makin’
Join in “The New Black Friday” movement by using part of the day to stay home and create a creative gift for someone you love. Also join our Occupy Christmas Facebook group in which many folks share creative ways to celebrate the holiday season — without the stress. Email me and I’ll send you an invite to this private group.
- Share your Love Lists on the Simply Celebrate Facebook Page
Join in the daily conversations on the Facebook Page, which often include ways of celebrating people we love.
- Let Sherry know you made a Love List!
Sherry is on a mission to inspire 1,000,000 Love Lists; please take one minute to be counted!