LoveGram: Do it Anyway!

LoveGram: Do it Anyway!

Hello Delightful You!  Today I send you a hummingbird, unexpectedly sighted in the apple tree.  I send you vanilla rooibos tea with a bit of sweet honey.  I send you a cat’s soft paw, draped across your arm as you sleep.  Welcome to your...
LoveGram: Jumping off point

LoveGram: Jumping off point

Today I send you some lemon tea with a dollop of pure maple syrup.  I send you a ruby-throated hummingbird, who hovers outside your window as if to say “Hello. All is well!”   I send you the sound of bagpipes just down the road as you walk along...
Permission to let go

Permission to let go

Happy holidays!  Below are some gifts from me to you.  These are some things I can offer to (virtually) show you how much I appreciate you. They are also gifts that I hope will soothe you and bring you a feeling of peace.  Oh, and one of my all-time...
LoveGram: You Belong

LoveGram: You Belong

Welcome to your Sunday Audio LoveGram.  Today I want to talk about the feeling of “belonging.”  Many of you know that as a young person, years ago, I really battled a strong sense that I didn’t belong — not to my workplace, not in my friend...
Celebration Moment: Low Stress Big LOVE

Celebration Moment: Low Stress Big LOVE

I’m at the San Francisco airport, ready to fly to Burbank for an event.  I have 30 minutes and am thinking of YOU, so I thought I’d send a very quick hello — and a l’il celebration, too!  💥💓💥 I’m an anxious Annie when it comes to air...