Welcome to another Sunday LoveGram. 

Today, I send you cinnamon swirl French toast served during a patio brunch overlooking a pretty river. 

I send you a shiny silver dollar you’d forgotten you had saved from your childhood. 

I send you the sound of someone singing as you pass them on the street. (And the way it makes you want to whistle!) 


Here we are, together again! 

Thank you for being across the virtual table from me for yet another Sunday audio LoveGram.

I appreciate you. 

You make my life better. 

I’m sure you make many people’s lives better! 

Never forget that. (I mean it.) 


Today’s audio LoveGram is a continuation of an email I sent you earlier this week, on July 4th. (It’s okay if you missed that email; I recap it for you in my audio!) 

It’s about how fun it is when someone thinks of you — and calls to tell you so. 

It’s about how joyous it is to imagine dancing in a grocery story as if you are part of a music video or a flash mob! 

It’s about not being afraid to say “I have an idea!” or “Let’s do this thing!” or “Olly Olly Oxen Free!” 

Listen to today’s LoveGram by clicking to this page, then scrolling down until you see the audio player. 


I think most of us would love to feel a bit more spontaneous, a bit more loose, a bit more FREE?  

We got conditioned to sit still and not be silly. 

We got told to not stand out or laugh too loudly. 

But now we get to choose who we want to be! We can have a dance party anytime we want! 


My wonderful and oh-so-vibrant friend, Michell, reached out to me after reading my email the other day about dancing in the grocery store. 

She added another layer of JOY to an ongoing story! 

Listen to my LoveGram to find out more. 

Maybe you wanna come dance with Michell and me?! 

(Woot woot!) 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry

💖 P.S. Watch this Sara Bareilles Brave video and then email me if you are close to the San Francisco Bay Area and want to join in a “flash mob-ish” fun dance in a store in Marin! (Just hit reply to this email and I will add you to our can’t-wait-to-dance-with-you list!)

💖 P.P.S. Need a big dose of JOY? Click on over to Instagram and meet Michell (@thrivegirlinc)  â€” Thrive Girl and creator of Operation Joy Lab. I love her reels! I love her spirit! If you aren’t on Instagram, here is her website