Jul 4, 2022 | Beauty + Joy
Hey there, beautiful friend! I am thinking of you and sending love. I send you the smell of freshly cut grass. I send you pearly purple pod things — like those pictured above! I send you a bamboo pathway, which feels ancient and mysterious. I also send...
Feb 25, 2022 | Celebrating in the Dark, Express yourself
Hello. Sending hugs. I hope you are doing okay, my friend. As I’m writing this to you, we’re receiving heartbreaking news from Ukraine. I hesitated about whether to send this out. In a world full of bombs and killings, how can we even think about...
Jan 22, 2022 | Beauty + Joy, Celebrating in the Dark, Holiday Redux
I hope you are having a good week, my friend. I hope you are feeling loved and that every day you’ve been noticing something beautiful in the world, maybe a tiny bird or someone’s smile. If this hasn’t been such a good week, I hope that...
Jan 18, 2022 | Beauty + Joy
Hello Friend! Today I send you the sunrise. I send you a fluffy, yellow, baby chick. I send you an unexpected check in the mail. I send you a hot loaf of bread, fresh out of the oven. I send you a shiny, red RESET button. *** Today’s audio LoveGram is all...
Jan 16, 2022 | Beauty + Joy
Hello! I’m thinking of you and sending some love and a li’l uplift. I want to share a celebration experience from last week that I hope might inspire you to copycat me. I call it Super Supper. And, it is super simple. Here’s how I stumbled...