Today, I send you pink streaks painted across the morning’s stark white sky.
I send you the sunset-colored baby roses braving the 39 degree weather as they blossom on the vine.
I send you the bottle top I found on the sidewalk — a big happy smile cheering us on.
Today’s audio LoveGram is all about YOU!
It is about my wishes for you.
Listen by clicking to this page, then scrolling down until you see the audio player.
Beautiful friend, it is the second day of a brand new year. Are you giving yourself permission to start over?
Are you allowing yourself to reset and refresh?
We’ve been through a couple years of big losses. There’s been lots of grief, illness, disappointment, and hardship. And yet, here we are, still standing. Here we are, holding hands as we walk each other home, over and over again. (Thank you, Ram Dass for that image!)
I recorded today’s audio LoveGram for you as I was out walking yesterday morning. I didn’t intend to do it. I wasn’t planning to talk to you right then. But I was listening to an audio book called, “Originals” by Adam Grant and all of the sudden, I found myself switching from listening to talking.
Something in me simply wanted to connect with YOU.
And without pausing, I did what was in me, wanting to be done.
THIS is what I wish for you in 2022! To listen to what moves you.
I wish for you to wade past those doubting voices in your own head.
I wish for you to set your gaze way past other people’s approval or understanding.
I wish for you to understand that there is something extraordinary that animates you and whatever that is, is guiding you to greater expression.
Please give yourself permission to fully step into your unique self.
Love the way you want to love. Say the things you want to say. Skip down the street if you feel like it. Sing in the grocery store if you want to. Send that letter. Buy those flowers. Paint the room hot pink. Return the library book unfinished. Mix plaids and paisleys.
Honey, you can live by your own rules.
Listen, I know you. I see your beautiful heart. I know that when I say “your own rules” you aren’t going to be out in the world causing harm to yourself, to others, or the planet.
What I know is that you are unique in all the world. I know your heart speaks to you. I know you have recurring ideas, dreams, wishes, and wants. I know that you don’t always allow what is in you to come forward.
In 2022, I want you to follow your instincts more often and not listen to the Squawky Polly policing voice in your head, the crowds outside your door, or the clamor on social media.
I want you to BE YOU.
In my LoveGram, I quote my mentor, Brendon Burchard, who says, “feel the day.” What is it that allows you to feel more alive? To feel more connected? To feel as if every cell in your body is dancing with life force?
That isn’t a rhetorical question. I want you to answer it. I want you to open up your journal and write a list of things that help you come to your senses. These are the things that will lead you home to yourself!
Off the top of my head right now, here are some things that make me feel alive:
- Making an audio for you and feeling as if you are seeing the pink streaks in the sky alongside me.
- Skipping because I feel like it.
- Wearing my multi-colored knitted scarf with my different colored, multi-colored knitted hat and my still-different multi-colored knitted fingerless gloves and loving the symphony of mis-matched colors.
- Holding my butterscotch tabby cat and feeling her purr. Believing that she can understand my thoughts and talking to her out loud.
- Making odd things into ornaments for the Christmas tree — room keys from hotels, pencils + crumbled up essays from my son, birthday cake toppers, key chains.
- Printing out LOVE LISTS with glittery “Celebrate” at the top to tape to the tiramisu boxes on New Year’s Eve.
- Putting fresh lime in my kombucha. Spritzing some on my hand, simply because I so love the scent.
- Strings of lights in the backyard connecting my studio to the house.
- Splurging on art that touches my heart.
- Reading a poem by candlelight.
Now, it’s your turn. Don’t think about it; just write. There are no right answers. Just let yourself write about things that make you feel alive. Things that make you feel like YOU.
Now, enter 2022 promising yourself that you will live that list. You will add to that list. You will listen when a sweet voice deep inside you says, “Skip.” Or, it says, “Pick up that smiley face on the sidewalk.” Or, it says, “Call your sister and thank her for the moment at Christmas when you both burst out laughing until you had tears in your eyes.” Or, “Wear the fancy pink dress.”
Listen to what is inside you, begging to be let out to play.
We have the gift of this day. We don’t know if we will be here tomorrow.
Use it to be as much YOU as you can be!
Believe me, that is the best gift you can give the world.
I love you.
Thank you for being by my side.
Thank you for sharing my values of friendship, family, creativity, celebration, and joy.
Thank you for choosing to step out of the cookie cutter life and be courageous enough to live out loud who you really are.
Who you are is perfect.
You make a difference.
You matter!
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
P.S. If you want to have some fun practicing being YOU, join my free 5-day mini-course called Olly Olly Oxen Free: Permission and Belonging. Every day you receive a short video from me with an encouragement to take an action that will support you in feeling more connected and alive. Try it out and let me know what you think! I’m here, cheering you on!