When darkness falls, be a light.

Bombings in Turkey and Brussels. Attacks in West Africa. Syrian refugees. I won’t go on. But we all know there is so much violence all across the world and also at home. Sometimes it is impossible not to be weighed down by it all. Our hearts break for all the...

Step aside Hallmark.

There’s a lot of pressure when Valentine’s Day rolls around. I’ve got nothing against love. Nothing against celebrating our affections for someone in our life or bringing more romance into our life. As you know, I LOVE expressing appreciation for...

Live without regret: say it now.

Yesterday I saw a video online called “What’s Your Biggest Regret.” If you have three minutes, I encourage you to watch it. It is beautifully done + quite moving. Something that struck me, but didn’t surprise me, was that what all the regrets had in common was that...