Happy The-New-Black Friday! A couple hundred of us are spending part of the day today cozy at home creating Love Lists as holiday gifts for family and friends.
I hope you’ll be joining in!
You can download a professionally-designed Love List that you print out, fill out, and give out. Simple — and sweet as pumpkin pie!
Or, if you want to get a l’il fancy, there are lots of ideas for other ways to present your Love Lists. On our Facebook Event Group I’ve shared some photos of Fortune Cookie Love Lists, Joy Jars, and Love Lists Books.
Today, I want to share yet another unique way to present your Love List: as a customized Tiny Book. I first learned about Tiny Books from my wildly creative and artistic friends, Maya Stein and Amy Tingle. Last summer they created a whole library of tiny how-to books, which they showcased along their TypeRider 2 Journey from Boulder to Beloit on a tandem bike. (!!!)
I shared their story — and a Tiny Book I created —in a blog post a couple months ago. One of my dear friends, Tina Tierson, got inspired to make a Tiny Book as a gift for a mutual friend of ours, Jill.
When Tina shared her idea with me and sent me photos, I was so excited! I hadn’t thought of these Tiny Books as gifts! What an awesome idea. I was inspired by Maya and Amy. Tina was inspired by me. And I got inspired all over again by Tina.
So now I want to offer a twist on a twist on a twist on Tiny Books: Make ’em into little Love List Books!
(The photo to the left is the gift book Tina made. I got a little intimidated when I saw how beautiful this was. A reminder to all of us: these books can be handwritten and really simple. The heart will still be there, I promise!)
How to make a Tiny Book Love List:
- Click here to see a sample of a Tiny Book I created called “How to Survive in the Dark.” You can see what the finished books look like.
- Click here to find a video tutorial on creating your blank Tiny Book. If you use colored card stock or decorative paper, the book pages will be like Tina’s in the photo above. If you use white card stock, the book will have white pages.
- Write one thing you love about the recipient on each page of the book.
- Decorate with doodles, stickers, markers, or magazine cut-outs.
Hope to see you sometime today at The New Black Friday!
P.S. If you do make a Love List for someone, please let us know so you can be counted toward my crazy goal of inspiring a million Love Lists in my lifetime. Click here to submit! (And you’ll get a free gift from me afterward!)