Maltepoo + African children = Open Heart

I’m so inspired! Just heard about a couple of bicycle riders who have made their way aross the U.S. to raise money for Living Compassion’s  Africa Vulnerable Children Project. The bicyclists are accompanied by Trixie Backman — possibly...

What’s possible.

Within an hour’s span of time, I witnessed two things that made me reconnect with someplace inside of me that feels like open sky and a field of rich red tulips. 1. I was browsing around online and happened to see a video posted by a wonderful author and mission...

Who We Become Along the Way

Simply Celebrate Newsletter: August 2010 One night my beau, Ian, and I were talking about happiness. I was getting all passionate about “happiness practices” and wondering whether it’s possible to “create” happiness. What we came to in...

Sweet Tweaks.

I thought about just posting this photograph, without any text. When I first saw it,  I was so struck by how magnificent the towers are. And how brilliant the artist was who designed them. But I knew I had to give some credits and well, heck, in that case, maybe...

I wish for a birthday cake.

I’ve been thinking about something I posted on the Simply Celebrate Facebook Page earlier this morning: “My beau and I were doing the morning 10-10 list together. (Things we’re grateful for/things we invite in). When my son walked in, I...