Apr 8, 2022 | Beauty + Joy, celebration moment, Express yourself
Hello my friend! Earlier this week, I was listening to an audio by my mentor, Brendon Burchard on the topic of “no regret.” Something he said really jumped out at me: “Don’t just think about who you are — express it!” This quote...
Aug 1, 2021 | Kindness as a Gift, Laughter
Hello and Happy Sunday … Today I am sending you the happy faces of Arnold and his two brothers — photo above. I am sending you the quiet ease of a Sunday and the possibility of a shared meal with family or some space alone to read and reflect. I am...
Aug 16, 2019 | Beauty + Joy
I hope you’re having a wonderful week. Are you winding down your summer? Or is still in full throttle? Sending you wishes for a weekend full of ease and playful interactions. May you laugh a lot. May you watch a sunset. May you walk barefoot in the grass. May...