Hello, friend.
Here’s your Sunday Audio LoveGram for today — SCROLL DOWN on this page, click play, listen, relax.
I started creating these audio LoveGrams at the beginning of the pandemic. None of us imagined how long this would go on or how much loss and grief it would bring.
In addition to the gravity of death and illness, many of us are really lonely for the people we love.
Today’s LoveGram speaks to that! Hopefully it will help you connect to someone you love.
Here’s a link to the video gift I talk about in today’s LoveGram. The first three minutes are us dancing, followed by messages to our friend. At around minute 4:15, you can see the awesome response from Laurie as she watched the video while we were all on a video call with her. Then, as a special bonus, Andrea Scher talks with me about this gift — the behind-the-scenes and some how-to-tips. That’s at minute 9:20.
I just want to say that I’m here with you. And that now, more than ever, we need to create play and joy for ourselves and others.
We have been, and we continue to be, in this TOGETHER.
We are walking through it with as much love and compassion — and even joy — as we can muster.
Thanks for being here.
It means so much to me to be connected to you.
xo Sherry