Hello hello!

That’s my shadow up there.

I happened to glance down when I was crossing the street and noticed how frickin’ tall I was!

It made me smile.

I wrote up a little something for an Instagram post and I want to share it with you, too:


Hello girl walking down the street in Portland, OR! 🌸

When I was a teenager & young woman, I used to want to get smaller & smaller so I could disappear.

I didn’t feel like I deserved to take up space on the planet.

Today, seeing this oh-so-tall shadow, I smiled at that girl from long ago. ”You deserve this whole darned sidewalk!”

Maybe someone reading this needs that message.

It’s true for every one of us! 


As I write this to you, I am also reflecting for myself. I feel so much compassion for that young girl who didn’t feel as if she deserved to be here on the planet.

I also turn my thoughts to the 55-year-old woman, still walking around on the planet. Where do I cower in life? Where do I try to make myself small, not make waves, be invisible? Where am I afraid to walk tall and laugh loudly? Where do I defer to others whom I think are more worthy of the air up there?

How do I live a little more into that very tall shadow self?!

How about you? 

Does anything drop in about small ways you could be more tall? 

Today, take deep breaths and straighten up. Walk with confidence and strength. Speak a tad more boldly. Ignore the voices that tell you that you are “too much.” Let yourself be MORE YOU. Watch what happens.

Seek celebration—even in dark corners,
xo Sherry


P.S. For the fun of it, I just Googled for quotes on being tall. I like this one: “If you want to be tall to see the world better, have some high thoughts!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan