How are you, my friend?
It is the end of the week and I’m just checking in on you and hoping to offer a moment of quiet celebration.
Did you happen to listen to my LoveGram from Sunday?
It was all about the importance of friendship and I shared some photos with my friend Rachel at her 60th birthday in NYC. We re-enacted a photo we had taken 40 years ago the stoop of a brownstone where we used to live!
In my audio LoveGram, I talked about how we can be the ones in our circles of friends to create more meaning and connection.
We can be the ones to go that extra mile.
We can be the ones who deepen and nurture our friendships.
It makes a big difference!
My celebration moment has to do with exactly that.
This was a moment that happened for me a couple days ago. I want to walk you through it, so you can see the PROCESS of how we go the extra mile:
- It started with me remembering that a friend’s birthday was fast-approaching. (Remembering in itself, is a lovely celebration.)
- It continued when I made the decision to send an actual card in the mail instead of simply texting or calling. (I will do those, too, on the actual birthdate!)
- I then took some time to find exactly the right card for her! (Our willingness to go out of our way to send something via snail mail is indeed, a celebration!)
- It then went even a little deeper, when I decided to print out a photo to include in the card. I found a photo of my friend and I at a cafe, in the midst of an animated conversation! (Taking time to find and print a photo is an amazing way to make a moment more meaningful for someone!)
- Then, I wrote something that pertained to the photo and to the many previous meaningful moments we’d shared at cafes, talking to our hearts’ content.
- The final step of this “going the extra mile” was making sure to use a beautiful stamp with a bunny on it and to decorate the envelope with some glittery gold washi tape.
It may seem a little silly that I broke this down into bullet points!
However, I really wanted you to see that EVERY extra little thought we put into something really matters. The person on the other end can feel the love in each detail.
And, just as importantly, every one of those steps brought mejoy. When we are going deeper like this, it extends our focus on the love we have for someone.
We are basking in the love with every added “extra mile!”
I hope that between listening to Sunday’s LoveGram and reading this story, that you are allowing yourself to imagine new ways that you can show up for people YOU love.
What can you do today to go the extra mile?
I send you love today, my friend.
I send you a day that brings you connection.
You deserve joy.
If you are having a hard time, try to look for a tiny pinprick of light — anything at all that brings you comfort.
If you are energized and feeling good, reach out to someone who needs help and offer them a pinprick of goodness.
We’re all in this together.
Thanks for who you are and for your beautiful spirit.
Seek celebration — even in the dark corners,
xo Sherry