How are you, my friend?
Today is World Gratitude Day and YOU are on my mind.
You are on my mind because I am so grateful that we are connected.
I am grateful for your love, support, friendship, and caring.
I am grateful that we share the values of family, friends, shared experiences, and simple moments of celebration.
I am grateful that we share ideas for loving more fully and for coming back home to our hearts, day after day.
Thank you for being in my life!
Wherever you are in the world, whatever you are doing when you are reading this, will you do me a favor? Will you pause to appreciate yourself for being a good-hearted, loving person?
I mean it.
Don’t rush past this request. Don’t shrug it off.
I know you. I see who you are. I celebrate you.
I want YOU to celebrate you, too!
And, in honor of World Gratitude Day, would you do this one small thing?
Please, reach out to someone whose heart you know and love. Let that person know they’ve impacted you. Tell them that you love having them in your life. Thank them. Plain and simple.
Gratitude is here, right now.
Celebration is waiting for us.
It is right here, in this moment, when we love who we are, the people around us, and the shape of our lives.
I love you and am cheering you on, always.
Thanks for who you are. Thanks for being by my side.
Seek celebration — even in the dark corners,
xo Sherry