Hello Friend,
Welcome to this week’s LoveGram.
If you’ve read my last few emails, you might remember that I’ve pre-scheduled these emails for you while I am traveling. (At the time you receive this, I will be visiting my friend Tamara in Cascais, Portugal!)
I want you to know that I’m here and I care.
In fact, last week’s audio LoveGram was all about “Advance Love” — and how planning is a form of love for ourselves and others.
If you missed it, you can listen here.
Typically, on Sundays, I send you an audio message. However, today I am sending just this written LoveGram for you.
It is a form of kindness to myself that sometimes I take a break. In this case, since I’m preparing for my trip, I pre-scheduled one audio LoveGram and one written one.
So, I have a special request for you: I want you to make yourself an audio recording.
If you’ve been following along with me, you’ve listened to my audios for two years now, ever since the pandemic began. You’ve heard the way I turn on the recorder and just … talk.
I let whatever wants to be seen or said rise to the surface and get recorded.
Often, important observations or insights from the past week will bubble up.
I was just talking to my friend, Tricia, about this. How in conversations (even ones with ourselves, on a recorder) we see things that we missed the first time around. Often, all of the dots seem to connect. Our minds can assimilate various touchstones, images, and little wisdoms.
It is a gift to me to record LoveGrams for you every week because I get to learn what is important to me — things that were waiting for me to open the door and let them in!
You can do this for yourself.
All you have to do is open up the app on your phone called “Voice Memos” or click on this website and then press PLAY.
You don’t have to prepare anything. You don’t have to have a speech ready. You don’t even have to make any sense.
The whole point is to allow yourself some space to listen to what is inside you that wants to be heard.
Just do what I do. Once you turn on the recorder, say “Hello beautiful friend. I’m here with you. This is what’s on my mind …” Then, just watch and be in wonder at what comes out.
Can you do this?
Will you do this?
The reason I named this LoveGram, “You are worth it,” is because if you try this, you are essentially acknowledging that you matter. You are valuing your own insights and hidden wisdoms. You are trusting your own voice.
You. Are. Worth. It.
Now, I realize while I write this, that very few people will actually do this.
However, I hope that YOU are one of the ones who do!
You’ll be gifting yourself with your own voice. With your own love.
We are here on this planet for such a relatively short amount of time. Our lives are fleeting.
AND, so much is happening in and around us all the time. There’s a whole beautiful, wonderful, amazing world that is YOU.
Be someone who values yourself.
Make yourself an audio LoveGram.
Do it even if it is uncomfortable or feels weird. Who cares?!
So many good things are waiting for us, outside of our comfort zones. Push through and see what happens!
I love you. I’m here with you.
I’m rooting for you!
Thank you for being on this journey of love, celebration, and appreciation with me.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry