Happy Sunday! I’m writing to you once again from my mom’s house in Ohio. I’m so happy to connect with you!
As I write this, there is a squirrel scurrying up a tree right outside and she’s noisy as all get-out. I love her playful spunkiness. Right before I sat down to write to you, I was out walking around the neighborhood. I saw three white-tailed bunnies!
Is there a window in the room where you are? If so, pause for a moment and look outside. (Or, if you are outside, all the better.) Take a deep breath and allow your mind to slow down slightly. Feel your body. See if you can ground yourself. Now, imagine that this is the very last time you might ever see that oak tree, that dandelion fluff, that pot of pink peonies, or the wide skies. Really take it in.
Did things look a little different to you?
Did you feel the slightest stirring of awe, wonder, or gratitude?
I hope so. Seeing things “for the last time” is a great way to practice presence.
That’s okay if you didn’t feel anything different. Just keep trying throughout the day!
The world around us is filled with natural gifts. But sometimes it is easy to forget to appreciate them. Sometimes we are rushing by so quickly, we hardly look.
Today, my LoveGram is about simple moments of awe, wonder, and connection.
And guess what? I have a special guest today for the first few minutes: my mom!
Hear today’s Audio LoveGram now!
Just scroll down on that page until you see the audio player. Click play! Voila!
After you listen to today’s LoveGram, consider some ways that you can experience nature and the people around you with a brand new sense of delight and awe.
Go easy on yourself if life doesn’t feel exactly as you wish it would or if your relationships aren’t sparkly at this moment. That’s okay.
We can practice feeling connected. We can practice feeling wonder. We can practice being more loving and kind. We can practice small shifts and notice the impact.
I’ve been creating these Sunday LoveGrams since March of 2020. Having you here with me throughout this pandemic has been so important. Being together in our experiences is truly a gift.
Thank you.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
P.S. That’s my mom and Ian in the photo up above. We’re at a place called Apple Castle in New Wilmington, PA. That was one of those moments of simple connections and wonder. That was a moment of bare feet on the grass and apples magically growing on trees!