I was just saying to someone that it has been way too long since my beau and I have hosted a Bubble Flash Mob.

You too, right?! 😉

I’m seeing Ian later today and I want to make sure we get one scheduled this summer. In fact, we had talked once about doing one outside of a children’s hospital — hopefully there’s one with windows facing a space where we could do it. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Bubble Flash Mobs are surprisingly easy to do. In fact, you might remember that I have a video for you that shares the simple steps: it is a four-minute video filled with bubble joy!

Maybe you’re skeptical. Maybe you think it is going to be too much trouble. But listen, just watch this short video. You’ll see how easy it is.

Consider that you could do this and it would be an absolutely delightful surprise for a child in your life — or for a child-at-heart.

(Hey … that child-at-heart who longs for magic could be YOU!)

Bubble Flash mobs (bubbles + two or more people + a starting time) are simple, inexpensive gifts. If you have a copy of my book, “Say it Now: 33 Creative Ways to Say I Love You to the Most Important People in Your Life,” check out idea #30 — it outlines how to surprise someone with this bubbly gift.

You can create this magic. 

It’s easier than you think!

Would you consider doing this for a child’s birthday, your next family gathering, or company picnic? And/or … could you keep a dozen containers of bubble solution in your garage and be at the ready with a surprise when you see a group of neighborhood children playing?

Watch my short video and then run with the idea and make it a gift with your own twist.

Let me know what you think! 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

P.S. To get a look at how Bubble Flash Mobs can be surprisingly magical and healing, listen to this 30-minute conversation with Andrea Scher after she and I hosted a bubble event a couple years ago. Magic really did happen — and in some ways we hadn’t expected.

Photo gratitude:
Photo of my beau, Ian copyright John Nieto Photography.