Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday.

I’m incredibly fortunate that I’m not only a mom to an amazing son, I am also the daughter of a wonderful mom. Mother’s Day is a time that I feel celebrated by my family and also when I get to appreciate and celebrate my own mom.

But believe me, I don’t take these relationships for granted. I know how lucky I am.

For many people, Mother’s Day can be filled with longing or loss.

It can be a hard day for anyone whose mom has passed away, whose children have died, who were never able to have children, or who may have difficult relationships with their kids or mom. It can also be a hard day for single moms who don’t have a partner to plan a celebration for them or make the day special.

I wrote about this last year in a Mother’s Day blog post. I encouraged everyone to reach out in some way to someone who might be having a hard time. I hope you’ll consider doing that this year, as well. A call or text to say, “I’m thinking of you,” can means so much.

In that post, I also told you about an idea my friend Roberta, a single mom, inspired. I hope it is okay for me to share this idea again right now.

Is there a mom in your life who needs a little TLC or boost of love? It may be your own mom, a friend, a neighbor, or an aunt.

All you need for this gift is a recording device. (You can use your smartphone if you have one!) This gift can be created at the last minute and makes an incredible, everlasting treasured gift.

Click here to read about this simple no-cost gift you can create for a mom in your life who needs some TLC.

I promise you, this won’t cost a dime and can be created in 15 minutes. Whaaaaat? Click on the link above to find out!



P.S. I hope you don’t mind that I’m using an older photograph, which you may have seen before. (My son now shaves his head!) I *really* wanted to send this gift idea out to you today, but am on deadline with a humongous wonderful Celebration Book for an anniversary party. I’m taking a break from the design process to connect with you.

P.P.S. Hi Mom! (One of the many wonderful things about my mom is that she reads every blog post I write. If I ask a question in them, she always responds. Usually with something that makes me laugh out loud.)