You may have read my March 6 post inviting folks to honor the lovely, whimsical, generous-hearted, inspiring author Amy Krouse Rosenthal by participating in an event called Plant a Kiss.

To join in, people just needed to commit to offering some kindness to the world between March 7 and March 16. and then share their story of that kindness on March 17. (That’s today!)

Some of you who have been hanging around me for many years, may remember similar events back in 2012 and 2013.

What makes this one different is that Amy was in the dying process as we were planting our kisses.

She passed away on Monday, March 13.



If you don’t know Amy’s work, please watch this Beckoning of Lovely video. Listen to Amy read from the book Plant a Kiss + watch the book come to life through Peter Reynold’s colorful illustrations. Enjoy Amy’s conversation with Andrea Scher. And finally, read this Modern Love essay, “You May Want to Marry My Husband.”

The planet lost a bright beacon of light. But Amy’s irresistible love for life and joyful spirit will live on through the large body of work she left us. It also lives on in the hearts of everyone who loved her.

This week, more than 100 of us celebrated Amy with our Plant a Kiss acts of Kindness. You can see links to many of the stories by visiting the official Plant a Kiss Kindness Project web page.

Keep reading to hear my own Plant a Kiss story …


I want to tell you three stories about how Plant a Kiss Day 2017 brought kindness into my life as I was offering it.


Small acts with big heart 

After my previous blog post, I received a number of beautiful and uplifting emails from people telling me that they had taken to heart my suggestions for offering kindness on Amy’s behalf. Each time I opened an email or someone posted online, my heart lifted with joy.

I want to thank everyone who donated books to Project Night Night or who wrote a Love List for someone with cancer who needed a boost. I also want to thank everyone who offered other acts of kindness in Amy’s name.

One of my favorite emails was from Linda in Soquel, Ca, who told me she ordered copies of Plant a Kiss to donate to Project Night Night. What I loved most was the note Linda included to me. She said, ” I know two books may not be a lot, but it is the small kindnesses of many that make a real difference.”

Linda added, “We each don’t have to change the world. Just add some kindness.  Maybe we change our little corner of the world.  You probably know the quote by Mother Theresa, ‘Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.’  And, just maybe, those ARE the great things, after all.”

Doesn’t that just sum it up?



Circle of Giving

My second story comes with permission of Lelle in Australia. Lelle raised her hand when I offered a free Love List Making tele-session to coach someone through making a Love List for a loved one with cancer. During our 30-minute conversation, Lelle revealed 21 things she loves about her friend Birny.

I formatted the list, added some photos, and sent Lelle a beautiful PDF she could print out and give to Birny to remind him of the good things he has brought into her life via their friendship.

This Love List was a gift for Birny. But it was a huge gift to me, too. Getting to spend the time on the phone basking in Lelle’s stories of loving moments and stories of friendship was such a treat. And I do believe it was a gift for Lelle, too. She said, “This was wonderful. The process opened my heart.”



Ripple Effects 

My favorite kindness has been hosting and gathering the beautiful community of Plant-a-Kissers. More than 100 people joined the Facebook group and committed to offering kindness in honor of Amy.

Any time I would start to feel sad at her passing, I would pop into this group and think about all the love that is alive in her name.

Yes, it was a deep honor and joy to host the Plant a Kiss events as book promotions for Amy and Peter back in 2012 and 2013. But this year’s event — organizing kisses of kindness to celebrate Amy’s life — has brought me a deep sense of connection to kindred spirits from all over the world.

It has reminded me that one of the best ways to “make the most of our time here” is to connect with others, through kind, joyful, and generous acts.

Thank you for bringing us together in love, Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

I hope you will read the stories. Click here for the Plant a Kiss 2017 links. Keep checking back throughout the day on March 17 as new stories will be added all day long.