I want to celebrate Valentine's Day by offering 14 acts of kindness to 14 folks who may be feeling left out of love today.
Maybe you know someone who recently experienced the death of a spouse or has been undergoing a difficult divorce? Maybe a friend or relative is single and lonely and dreading Valentine's Day because they feel all alone? Maybe someone —maybe you? — feels disappointed, holding chards of broken dreams?
I'd love to offer free audio love grams to 14 people. These are short (2-4 minutes) audio messages I send via email. They can be anonymous or the person can know it is from you. Basically I just let people know that one of the missions of Simply Celebrate is to help people express their love for each other and the audio love gram is one way for folks to do that.
If you're one of the first 14 people to email me, I'll give you more information. We'll keep it really simple. A very simple celebration of love.