What the fog teaches.

This morning I am celebrating the gray, foggy landscape, which reminds me that life welcomes a whole range of moods and ways of being. Reminds me of that quote by Placido Domingo: "The high note is not the only thing." Can we allow ourselves to celebrate the...

Barefeet. Warm grass. Let go.

This afternoon I was practicing juggling with my son and beau. (We're visiting my mom in a small town in Ohio.) I happened to mention that I felt guilty I hadn't posted a blog entry since I left San Francisco last week. Here's what my son said: "Mom!...

Open your fist and see what lands.

SIMPLY CELEBRATE NEWSLETTER JUNE/JULY 2012 This week I've been practicing a lot with some old karma around scarcity. For me it mostly shows up as scarcity of money. You'll sometimes hear me say, "I'm so rich with love and creativity, an amazing family...