Join Simply Celebrate and The Happiness Institute on a secret mission to Occupy Valentine's Day. (Wheeeee!)
As Love Ninjas, it's our mission to roam the world secretly — spreading love and delighting friends, family, and strangers alike.
If you're in the Bay Area on Sunday February 12, join us for a couple hours of clever and creative crafting in which we'll make cards and love lists to mail anonymously to folks we know … and to hide around town for strangers to stumble upon. Card making 1pm-3pm; Ninja delivery fun 3pm-4pm. Takes place at The Happiness Institute at 1720 Market Street in SF.
Other Ninja love ideas are welcome! Hiding treats in trees, blowing bubbles on the street, helping tourists find their way, handing out food to the homeless, hopping in front of someone to pay for their latte … you name it; we'll ninja it!
Questions? Email Sherry at
P.S. If you're not in San Francisco, we encourage you to host your own Love Ninja event in your town. Even a sole ninja can spread a lot of secret joy. Tomorrow I'll be posting a free download to help folks ninja no matter where they are in the world!
Illustration: © Can Stock Photo Inc./prawny