{Celebration Moment}  Someone needs you today

{Celebration Moment}  Someone needs you today

I wanted to say hello to you as we close out the week, Can you believe that it is the last day of January already?!  It is raining here. Dark and dreary outside. And, wow, there’s a lot going on in the world. If we let it, that clamor and clatter could be...
LoveGram: The Hard Stuff Room

LoveGram: The Hard Stuff Room

Welcome to your Sunday LoveGram.  The world is so big and beautiful. The world is so harsh and cold. It is a harrowing ride sometimes, simply being human. Other times, it feels simple, like toast with butter.  Wherever you are and however you are feeling,...
{Invitation} Join the Secret Agents of Change!

{Invitation} Join the Secret Agents of Change!

Sending love to you, wherever you are. ☀️  I’m popping by with an invitation for you. A few times a year I have the pleasure of hosting a meaningful and anonymous kindness project with my friend and poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer.  We call...
LoveGram: My mother’s rolling pin

LoveGram: My mother’s rolling pin

Welcome to your Sunday LoveGram.  Today I send you the crisp fall leaves, turning from green to gold to beautiful rust.  I send you a piece of homemade apple pie with vanilla ice-cream on top.  I send you a good book, a cozy sweater, and a feeling of...
{Celebration Moment} You are a beautiful tree

{Celebration Moment} You are a beautiful tree

How are you, my friend? I’m sending you some Friday love.  Are you ready for a small celebration moment?  This one is brought to you courtesy of one of your fellow Simply Celebrate kindred spirits, Virginia Reeves, who emailed me the quote I am sharing...