Apr 22, 2022 | Beauty + Joy, celebration moment
How are you, my friend? On Sunday, my audio LoveGram was all about giving yourself permission to really accept and love who you ARE Please, do NOT try to squeeze yourself into a container that is the wrong size. Find the YOU-sized container and trust how...
Apr 18, 2022 | Beauty + Joy, celebration moment, Express yourself
Hey Beautiful friend, Welcome to this week’s LoveGram. I’m happy you are here. I’m happy to be here with YOU! Today, I send you a suitcase large enough to fit your huge, generous heart. I send you the biggest, most prominent seat at the table. I send...
Jan 31, 2021 | Celebrating in the Dark
Hello, my dear friend. Something different happened today. Before I came out to my studio to connect with you and create my weekly LoveGram, I was listening to a Dr. Joe (Dispenza) meditation. During that meditation, I got the guidance to send you last...
Jul 19, 2019 | Beauty + Joy
Do you ever catch sight of yourself in the mirror or shadow and think, “Wow, this person has been with me every step of the way. This person has never left my side. She’s trusted me all my life to do the best I can for her.” I just noticed my shadow as I was...