Hello and Happy Sunday …
Good morning, beautiful friend. Thanks for being here with me.
Every week when it is time to record my audio LoveGram, I trust that the conversation will happen organically and that life will support me in knowing what to say.
I don’t think of a topic. I don’t figure it out. I simply trust that what needs to be said will be said— and that it will be helpful to you.
Today’s LoveGram was inspired by one word I happened to read in book this morning. That word is “expectations.”
I hope you will listen to the audio I created for you about this. It is a very important topic.
Listen to today’s Audio LoveGram now!
Just scroll down on this page until you see the audio player. Click play. Voila!
Here’s the gist of it: The reason you see a photo of me, 21 years ago, pregnant, is because something profound happened to me around the idea of expectations when I was pregnant: I threw away the book, “What to Expect When You are Expecting.”
All I recall was that the book made me feel fearful. I remember one example had to do with when to expect swollen ankles. I did not want to expect swollen ankles. I didn’t even want to know that swollen ankles were a thing.
It seemed obvious to me that one of the most important things I could do for that baby I was growing was to immerse her/him in happy vibes. (Alongside healthy nutrition and exercise, of course!)
I chose to EXPECT a complication-free, easy, happy, healthy pregnancy. Each day, I chose to believe that it was going to be a good day and that I would have a good time growing a baby.
Now, of course I knew (and know) that our positive expectations don’t always ensure the outcome we want. However, as I talk about in the LoveGram, our expectations do ensure a happy feeling in that moment.
They ensure the process of expecting good things, which in itself is a very good thing.
More on all that in today’s LoveGram.
I hope you will listen.
I hope you will set an expectation today for something loving, something good, something connecting. If you have a get together with a friend or family member, can you expect closeness? If you have a tough conversation planned with someone, can you expect that you will come from a place of love and compassion? If you have a physical challenge, can you expect that you will stay aligned with your body and trust that you can care for yourself physically?
What are you expecting today? Is it swollen ankles or is it the magic of feeling something that is alive, fluttering inside you?
We may not be able to choose the end results, but we can choose how we show up and what expectations we bring. We can choose to expect ourselves to be thoughtful and filled with love.
Scroll down to listen.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
🌟 P.S. Here’s the link to the replay of the “Living with Uncertainty” author panel I mention in my audio.
🌟 P.P.S. The photo I use above is copyright the San Francisco Chronicle. I got to do a photo shoot wearing maternity clothes that were joyful and fun. (I remember they let me keep the preggie jeans and I loved them!)
🌟 P.P.P.S. The song I play at the start of the LoveGram is “Anticipation” by Carly Simon.
Here’s today’s LoveGram:
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 9-19-21