(dup) Sunday Audio LoveGram: September 13, 2020

Hello, friend.

Today’s audio note comes to you from a moment when I can come up for air, in the midst of some deep despair.

My sweet son continues to journey through the dark night of the soul and it is heartbreaking to witness.

Our home feels heavy with grief.

And the air in our city is heavy with ash — the tangible remnants of so many other people’s grief.

We had a day this week in which it was pretty much pitch dark the entire day — that seems like an apt metaphor for how life can be sometimes, right? Even the old saying, “The sun will come up tomorrow,” didn’t seem believable.

In the middle of all that, here we are. You, me, all of us … holding hands and walking one another home.

Your LoveGram for today is posted below.

Scroll down on this page. Click play. Close your eyes. Listen. Breathe. 


When I started creating these audio LoveGrams at the beginning of the pandemic, I thought it was going to last a month or two. I thought we’d all be back to normal by summertime.

It’s September and I still don’t know what’s ahead.

However, I just want to say that I’m here with you.


And more than ever.

What I know is ahead is us helping each other through.

I deeply appreciate you being here with me.

As I mention in today’s LoveGram, this connection to you is a lifeline for me. I’m so grateful.

Be kind + gentle to yourself and everyone you meet.

As you’ll hear in Rosemerry’s poem, which I read in the LoveGram, “we don’t know what anyone has swallowed.”

xo Sherry

P.S. Here’s the link to the Secret Agents of Change Facebook Group. If you need some kind words or someone to virtually sit with you in the dark, please join and post in there.

Right click to download 9-13-20 LoveGram