Sunday Audio LoveGram: October 4, 2020


Hello, friend.

Good day to you, whenever you are popping by.

Today’s LoveGram is posted below.

Scroll down on this page. Click play.

Close your eyes. Listen. Breathe. 

Today, we’re talking about tiny moments that feel extraordinary. How essential they are, especially during difficult times.  

Last weekend my clan decided to get out of the house and have a socially-distanced outdoor night picnic at Lake Merritt in Oakland. 

I brought the classic picnic basket, with red-checkered cloth and napkins. I asked Ian if he would bring his beautiful Chinese lanterns and fairy lights. 

They were things we both had handy, so it was simple.  But they made all the difference.

Our simple picnic turned  into magic.

Can you do this for yourself and  the people you love? 

What simple “add on” can you bring to a meal or a moment?

It doesn’t have to be a big deal or cost a lot of money. You could pick some fresh flowers from the garden and put them on the table. You could put a sign on the front door welcoming your family home.  You could wear something fun or fancy. You could use the candelabra. You could invite everyone to sing a song with you as you are running errands. 

We’re all just walking each other home. And along the way, we can surprise one another with tiny slices of delight.  We need it. 

We need more joy. 

Thanks for being by my side. I’m here for you, too. 

xo Sherry

P.S. Here are quick links to Chinese lanterns and fairy lights if  you want to keep them handy — ready for your own night picnic surprise for someone you love! Oh, and here’s one for a wicker picnic basket. (I got mine at a garage sale twenty years ago and it is still good to go!) Please note: those are  Amazon Affiliate links 👆.  I thought I’d try them out since you don’t have to pay any more, but they do give me a tiny  percentage. And well  … every penny counts, right?! 

P.P.S. In today’s LoveGram, I mention a video I made for you at dawn in Santa Cruz. Here’s that link!