Sunday Audio LoveGram: October 18, 2020


Good morning, friend.

Good day to you, whenever you are popping by.

Today’s LoveGram is posted below.

Scroll down on this page. Click play.

Close your eyes. Listen. Breathe. Connect. 

I woke up this morning feeling dread. Everything in my body felt heavy. I couldn’t think of anything I was looking forward to. 

And then I remembered a radio show I was listening to yesterday by my Zen teacher, Cheri Huber. In that show she was talking about how most (or at least many!) humans wake up feeling bad. There’s something that can happen in all our dreams and in sleeping that allows negativity to seep in and pool in our systems.  

Not always, of course. Hopefully not even often for you. 

However, today’s audio talks about how we can turn the day around so that anxiety, fear, or depression doesn’t take over the whole show. 

We don’t have to buy the story we wake into. We can make tiny shifts that lead us toward how we want to feel. 

My conversation with you today was a big part of the shift. 

Listen in and you’ll see why. 

Thanks for being by my side. I’m here for you, too. 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


Make the morning shift