Sunday Audio LoveGram: October 10, 2021


Good morning, beautiful friend.

Last week I talked to you about permission.


I was giving myself permission to let go in many different ways.

I encouraged you to do the same, if you needed it.

Having allowed myself that break, I can see that lots of things moved on through.

Like a young child, who allows herself to have a big cry when her ice cream cone falls to the ground, it passes. All that emotion goes from a wail to a whimper pretty quickly.

If we let it.

And then, next thing you know, a cute chubby puppy waddles by and that toddler is all smiles again.


Allowing is the sister of permission, I think.

We give ourselves permission to feel. We give ourselves space. We quiet our lives and minds.

And then, we allow our feelings.

We allow and we accept.

On today’s Audio LoveGram (Yep! Audio is back folks!) I tell you the story that dropped in as I was talking to you.

It has to do with a beautiful accordion player this morning. It has to do with me, smiling and listening happily.

And it has to do with the blaring of car alarm, on and on and on.

The everything of it.

The all of it.

All this beauty of being a human being.


Listen to today’s Audio LoveGram now! 

Just scroll down on this page until you see the audio player. Click play.  Voila! 

My wish for you this week is that you carry around a basket of everything in your heart. Let it all nestle together, let it tumble and toss. Let it be what it is.

Permission. Allowing. Accepting. All the beauty.

That’s your challenge.

You up for it?

I hope so.

I’m here with you.

We’re all just walking each other home. Again and again and again.

And along the way, we get the accordions and we get the sunflowers and we get the fallen ice cream and we get the car alarms and we get all the sorrows and all the joys.

Thank you for being on this journey with me.


Be kind and gentle with yourself, okay?

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


Here’s today’s LoveGram: 

Download and listen on the go here: 10-10-21 LoveGram


P.S. Here’s the Weepies Song I play during my LoveGram. It is called, “All This Beauty.”