Sunday Audio LoveGram: May 30, 2021


Hello, my beautiful friend. Welcome to a new day! 

Today, I send you the warmth of the yellow sun on your sweet face. 

I send you that fluffy, gray neighborhood cat, who meows as a small plea for a friendly touch and pet. 

I send you those ultra purple flowers on their spindly stems, how they look like they are waving to you as you pass. The way they nod their lovely heads in agreement with all that you are. 

I send you a steaming bowl of oatmeal, with that spoonful of diced date which your former self from yesterday had cut as a morning gift. 

I send you the way you smile, grateful for the way your yesterday self took care of you — not just the sweet chopped date, but the way she walked miles and drank so many cups of water and how she ended the day with poetry so you would sleep deeply. 

I send you this, my note, my love, across how ever many miles. The connection of our spirits. 

And most of all, today I send you someone whom you love. I send you that person’s face, their laugh, their hug, the way they tell stories. 


Today, my LoveGram is about leaning into friendship. 

It is about the way we can intentionally love people and allow that love to seep into the corners of our being and lift us, like a fresh coat of paint or a spritz of lavender. 

Let’s be the one to surprise people in our lives with thoughtfulness and love.

Let’s be the one they know they can lean on! 


Listen on this page!  Just scroll down on this page until you see the audio player. Click play! Voila! 


How can you practice loving better this week?

How can you allow your creativity and intuition to guide you to a new way of connection with someone?

How can you bring mindfulness to the joy you feel and to the love that has the capacity to keep growing and expanding? 


Thank you for listening, today.

Thank you for being you.  

Whether or not we’ve met in “real life,” I feel your support and connection. 


Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


Here’s today’s LoveGram: 

Download and listen on the go here: Lovegram 5-30-21



P.S. This week’s challenge is to think about someone in your life whom you will be seeing later this week or next and to do something to show them how wonderful they are. Give some thought in advance to a little sumpthin’ that will tell or show them that they matter to you. What is happening in their life that you can appreciate or celebrate? Is there something they are struggling with that you can help lighten the load? Is there a memory that you can bring to life all over again for them — perhaps print a photo or play a song from that time? 

P.P.S. Here’s the link I promised for the Kind Over Matter article on making a “Musical Memory Lane” gift for someone. Maybe for a Dad or Grad in your life? Maybe for a bride or groom? Maybe for someone “Just Because.” 

P.P.P.S Here’s the link to the song I was playing, “Lean on Me,” by Bill Withers