Hello, my beautiful friend.
Today’s LoveGram was inspired by a random post I saw on Twitter earlier this week. Someone posted a video from R.E.M. when their album, “Out of Time” launched in 1991.
The video was from a song called “Shiny Happy People,” which has great significance to me because my dear friend Greggie and I used to listen to it all the time.
I had clicked on the video and within the first couple notes, I was in tears. It instantly connected me to my friend and to all the memories of those times.
I wanted to share the video on Facebook because it is really fun — if you click on it, you will see the dancing and I bet it will make you smile.
Well, I started typing a little backstory on Facebook, and before I knew it, so much came pouring out!
Music can connect us deeply to people we love. Even decades later!
If you want to read my post on Facebook, it is public. Click here. You’ll get to know more about my friend, Greggie and how he helped me survive those days of deep depression and anxiety.
Today’s LoveGram speaks to all of this. It is posted below.
Scroll down on this page. Click play. Close your eyes and relax.
Make connection a priority today.
Connect to yourself. (How do you do that? Listen for the answer.)
Connect to people in your life. (Past and present.)
Thanks for being by my side.
I’m here for you, too.
You make a difference to me. You matter to me. You support me. I hope I do the same for you.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
Here’s today’s LoveGram:
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 3-14-21
💓 P.S. I LOVE to hear from you. Please email me and share your thoughts about this LoveGram.