Sunday Audio LoveGram: June 7, 2020

Hello, friend.

This has been a heart-wrenching week here in the U.S.

The world is upside down anyway, with the pandemic and all its resulting losses.

And now we have more unfathomable and systemic racism, brutality, violence, killing.

I have been teetering on the edge of despair.

But making today’s LoveGram to you was medicine for me.

I hope you’ll listen and find out why you helped  me so much.

We have been, and we continue to be, in this TOGETHER.

We are walking through it with as much love and compassion as we can muster.

I still firmly believe that we are walking one another home.

All of us  — no matter who we are, what we look like, what we earn, what we believe.

We are a shared humanity and we can —and  must— learn to love better.

I don’t have any answers. But I do believe in listening, learning, and growing.

Here’s your LoveGram for today — scroll down on this page, click play, listen, and if you would like, please share your thoughts: is love enough?

If you scroll past the LoveGram, you can hear Rosemerry’s singing message to me, which she graciously gave me permission to share.

You can also read the words of her poem, which I share in my audio.

Thanks for being here.

It means so much to me to have you by my side.

xo Sherry


Right click to download Love gram 6-7-20


Listen to Rosemerry’s song to me 2019

(This is a beautiful example of “Say it Now” and how Rosemerry’s whimsical expressed love rippled back to me.  Don’t wait to express your love!)


Always Home

by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

And on that Saturday morning,

when you feel isolated, alone,

no matter the time, or even

if it’s a Tuesday, call me.

I won’t be able to fix anything,

but I will remind you that you

are home, right there in your body,

you are home. And I will listen

as you weep. I will listen.

And though I won’t sing

in a way you can hear,

I will sing for you. I will sing

a circle around you,

I will sing you home.