Sunday Audio LoveGram: June 6, 2021


Hello, my beautiful friend. 

Today I send you tall pines — steady, solid and majestic. 

I send you spaciousness. I send you breadth and depth and the whisperings of your sweet soul. 

I send you a good friend with whom you can admit when you are lost. And who celebrates all of the many kinds of getting found again. 

I send you fresh peaches, ripe and juicy. 

I send you the two brides with wide smiles, ready for the rest of their beautiful lives to unfold. 

I send you your own horizon, filled with new ways to love, new paths to explore, new songs, new flavors, new colors — all the possibilities that have yet to carry you over the threshold. 


Today, my LoveGram is about one of my favorite topics: finding time to listen to what matters most.  And someone to listen with — and alongside.

You deserve this! 

Listen now!  Just scroll down on this page until you see the audio player. Click play! Voila! 


How can you create more space for yourself to listen to what matters most? 

How can you find time to notice the spiritual breadcrumbs Life is constantly dropping for you?

Is there someone in your life whom you would like to make a deeper connection with — a friend who could also become a mastermind or dream partner — someone who helps you live into who you most want to be?


Thank you for listening, today.

Thank you for being you.  

I encourage you to remind yourself often that you deserve a rich life, filled with connection and meaning. 


Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry


Here’s today’s LoveGram: 

Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 6-6-21



P.S. This week’s challenge is to consider someone in your life with whom you might go on retreat. Is there a friend in your life who you want to have a deeper connection with? Someone whom you can help connect to herself and her dreams/intentions —  and vice versa? Will you set up a call, an afternoon, or a weekend to spend with this friend and commit to an exploration of what’s calling to you in your life, who/how you want to be, and what support you need? You could plan to hike, cook, do art projects, read, play music — anything that invites you in to your life. 

P.P.S. Here’s the link to a Kind Over Matter article I wrote about Living with Intention. I talk about the importance of time away to reflect and dream.