Sunday Audio LoveGram: July 5, 2020

Hello, friend.

Here’s your LoveGram for today — SCROLL DOWN on this page, click play, listen, relax.

Today’s Audio LoveGram is in support of “it’s never too late.

It’s never  too late to love someone or forgive someone.  It’s never  too late to love or forgive yourself. It’s never too late to have  a happy childhood.

It sounds cliche. But it is true.

If you’re breathing, you have this moment NOW to love, forgive, heal, and move forward.

I started  creating these audio LoveGrams at the beginning of the pandemic. None of us imagined how long this would go on or  how much loss and grief it would bring.

I just want to say that I’m here with you.

I know this is hard. It’s summer and we all want to be out playing, visiting with  friends and family, seeing the world.

This, too, shall pass.

We have been, and we continue to be, in this TOGETHER.

We are walking through it with as much love and compassion as we can muster.

Thanks for being here.

It means so much to me to be connected to you.

xo Sherry

P.S. I hope you will join in my free “Love Never Dies” workshop for the Reimagine Festival. The workshop is Wednesday, July  8th at 4:30pm PDT/7:30pm EDT.  Reimagine envisions a world in which we are all able to reflect on why we’re here, prepare for a time when we won’t be, and live fully right up until the end.


Right click to download, “It’s Never Too Late”