Hello, friend.
Goodness gracious. Ever since March, I’ve been creating these Audio LoveGrams as a way to share and stay connected during this pandemic.
I had no idea this would still be happening so many months later.
As we head into the holidays, I have some important thoughts about the people we love and how we can let go of “what’s missing” this year and focus instead on the deep well of love within us.
Today’s LoveGram is posted below.
Scroll down on this page. Click play.
We’re all just walking each other home. And along the way, we can do our best to keep reminding one another that we will get through this.
AND, we can help the people we love get through this, too.
Thanks for being by my side.
I’m here for you, too.
I’m grateful for you.
xo Sherry
🔆 P.S. I felt so connected to you and excited while making today’s audio LoveGram. Afterward, when I was spot checking the recording, I noticed that there were a few places where the audio got soft. I’ve tried to fix it in Garageband. I’m sorry if it feels a tad choppy, but I PROMISE you that this message is an essential one as we head into the holidays. You just need to turn your volume up in a few spots and then down again. (Rollercoaster LoveGram!) Most of the audio should be just fine. Please forgive the glitches!
🔆 P.P.S. If you don’t yet have a copy of my book, “Say it Now,” I hope you will get a copy and create some gifts for the holidays. The ideas are creative, not crafty. And I know you will have fun making them! Note: that link is an Amazon affiliate link — just making sure you know. You can also ask your local, independent bookstore to order it. That would be a way to support bookstores!
🔆 P.P.P.S. If you create a Love List or Love Letter like I mention, email me and let me know how it goes!