Hello, my dear friend.
Today’s written note is shorter than usual because my audio LoveGram is longer than usual!
As usual, I wasn’t sure what the theme for today would be, but once it emerged, I found I had a lot to say!
In today’s audio Love Gram (see below) I am sharing some essential thoughts as we close out 2020 and head into 2021.
Today’s LoveGram is posted below.
Scroll down on this page. Click play.
I hope you will take the time to listen. Make it fun by taking a walk along your favorite path or lying on the couch with your eyes closed as you listen.
It is my mission in life to support you (and me!!) in living lives that feel alive, vibrant, and one hundred percent true to who we really are.
Let’s not let this pandemic steal all our joy.
Let’s not get caught up in what others think about who we should be.
Let’s not jump through hoops.
Let’s DO give ourselves permission to be ourselves — to live, love, and celebrate in ways that are aligned with who we really are.
You in?
Thanks for being by my side.
I’m here for you, too.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
🌺P.S. If you don’t yet have a copy of my book, “Say it Now,” this is a great time to purchase it and USE it! For less than $10, you get 33 amazing creative (not crafty) gift ideas that you can start using right away for the holidays. Many of the gifts are great for last minute! And they don’t require mailing!
🌺 P.P.S. If you already own my book, would you consider buying it for a friend as a way to spread the message of meaningful gifts + celebration? It would matter so much to me!
🌺 P.P.S. If anything you hear in today’s LoveGram stands out or resonates with you, email me and share your thoughts. I love to hear!!!