Hello, friend.
Here’s your LoveGram for today — SCROLL DOWN on this page, click play, listen, relax.
Today’s Audio LoveGram is about letting go. Or not. Finding perspective. Or not.
It is about being present to yourself enough to know what you need in the moment.
What you need may change from moment to moment.
Pay attention to what is really true for you, okay.
Be gentle with yourself.
Also, consider the power of creativity to help us focus on something fresh and new. It brings us into the moment.
I started creating these audio LoveGrams at the beginning of the pandemic. None of us imagined how long this would go on or how much loss and grief it would bring.
I just want to say that I’m here with you. And that now, more than ever, we need to create play and joy for ourselves and others.
I know this is hard. It’s summer and we all want to be out playing, visiting with friends and family, seeing the world.
We have to use our imaginations and go beyond what we might usually do — this is where creativity can help!
We have been, and we continue to be, in this TOGETHER.
We are walking through it with as much love and compassion as we can muster.
Be kind to yourself and everyone you meet.
Thanks for being here.
It means so much to me to be connected to you.
xo Sherry
Right click to download LoveGram-8-9-20