Hello, my beautiful friend.
Today, I send you that feeling of walking outside when the air is warm and there is a slight scent of jasmine wafting by.
I send you the sweet, magical surprise of a hummingbird flitting around the apple blossom tree.
I send you the swift turn of the bicycle handles when you get a hit to “turn here,” even though you were headed in a different direction.
I send you the belief that something new is coming your way. That something lovely is possible. That you are blossoming.
Today, I share something I read that makes me feel a little stronger, a little more trusting. I hope it does the same for YOU!
Listen here! Just scroll down on this page until you see the audio player. Click play! Voila!
Take time for yourself.
Listen to your sweet heart.
Trust your own inner wisdom.
You are wiser than you think.
Thank you for listening, today.
Never forget: you matter. A lot.
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
Here’s today’s LoveGram:
Download and listen on the go here: LoveGram 4-11-21
💓 Thank you to everyone who took the challenge last week and created audio LoveGrams for yourself! I LOVE your boldness and courage. If you didn’t do it, there’s still time. (The rest of your life!) I think you will find the process illuminating.