Say it Now is available to order!

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”24″ font_style=”300″]We never know how much time we have left with the people we love. If there’s someone you care about deeply—a parent, grandparent, child, friend, colleague, teacher, or neighbor—don’t wait to express how you feel.
Say it now.
In Say It Now, Sherry Richert Belul offers 33 creative ways to say “I love you” to the most important people in your life—through words, actions, and meaningful gifts.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

Order on or before May 2, 2021 to receive
two free Bonus Gifts worth $68 (See below!)

1. Get the FREE downloadable
Mini-Workshop, Five Fab Gifts
in 5 to 45 minutes.

This one-hour workshop offering easy instructions for some great gifts you can make for any mom in your life. The workshop includes templates and printables to make it super fast and easy! (Value $33)

2. Access to an exclusive
Bonus call with Sherry!

Find out what inspired the book, how to deal with the vulnerability of giving personal, loving gifts, and how to know when to give a “Say it Now” gift. Bring paper, because you’ll make a Love List as a gift for someone in your life during this one-hour call.

To receive your bonuses, just follow these instructions:

Order “Say it Now: 33 Creative Ways to Say I Love You to the Most Important People in Your Life” from Amazon.

After you make your purchase, don’t forget to come back here with the receipt number from your Amazon purchase.
Fill out the form in the next step to be registered to receive the information you’ll need to access the Mini Workshop and the bonus call with Sherry.
The bonus call will be held on May 3rd at 4pm PDT/7pm EDT. You will receive call-in information two-days before the call and also on the day of the call. A replay will be available if you are not able to attend the call live.

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Sherry shares classic ideas (writing a list of “10 reasons why you’re amazing”), thoughtful ideas (driving your friend to their divorce hearing so they don’t have to go alone), zany ideas (a bubble flash mob in the park), simple projects (filling a glass jar with compliments for a friend), and quick projects that take thirty seconds or less (recording a video message to cheer up a sick relative who’s recuperating at home).
You don’t need to be an “artist” or a “crafty person” in order to follow Sherry’s instructions—and you don’t need tons of time, either. Most of her suggestions require nothing more than some paper, a pen, and a couple of minutes. Sherry reminds readers that the greatest gift of all is simply a few moments of your undivided attention.
In addition to dozens of gift-making and letter-writing ideas, Say It Now includes moving stories that will bring readers to tears—stories about the importance of appreciating each day and never taking it for granted.
Say It Now will inspire readers to hug their kids tightly, call their mom for a long overdue chat, whip together a handmade gift, and say the words that need to be said.

About Sherry Richert Belul & Simply Celebrate

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”22″ font_style=”300″]In the midst of everyday life, it is easy to forget how extraordinary — and fleeting— our lives are. Thus, Sherry believes in a simple philosophy: make moments into gifts.
She helps people appreciate who they are and the people they love through customized tribute books and other one-of-a-kind gifts that inspire us to celebrate, share, and build beautiful relationships. Don’t wait; say it now.