Creativity in Everyday life

Opening the Creative Channel with Andrea Scher and Laurie Wagner

tutlegs91133676I was lucky enough to get these two creative juju gals together on the phone. The call was unscripted. We just wanted to see what conversation might naturally unfold around the ideas of creativity and everyday life. Wow, was it chock-full of energy, oomph, and inspiration!
Listen to the 20-minute “Everyday Creativity” Conversation with Andrea Scher & Laurie Wagner


Laurie Wagner, Andrea Scher, and Sherry: Creativity in Everyday Life  (Right Click to download)

A few of my fave quotes from the call:

  • Creativity helps us to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It helps us navigate the world with more courage, confidence, and trust.  —Andrea
  • We have the opportunity to show up naturally, to shush out all the critical voices. When we stop judging ourselves and worrying about what others will think of us, then we can really let our hair down. Then we can be free.  —Laurie
  • I don’t think there’s a moment that I’m not scanning for what’s beautiful, colorful, or interesting outside. It’s something I’ve taught myself and it nourishes me in so many ways. —Andrea

(Here’s the link to Laurie’s blog post about creativity, which I refer to in the audio!)

andrea_laurie_eyes_closed_webWho are these awesome women?

Andrea Scher is an artist, online workshop teacher + big believer in the transformative power of creativity. Through her e-courses Superhero Photo and Mondo Beyondo, Andrea inspires us all to live authentic, colorful and creative lives. Best known as the author of the award-winning blog Superhero Journal, she is passionate about the sweet spot where creativity and personal growth intersect. Andrea lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband and two sons. Visit her at

Laurie Wagner is a published writer and writing teacher who has been making things with her imagination, her hands and her heart for many years. Raising children, writing books and stories, and working with thousands of writers over the years has nurtured her sense of herself as an artist and a teacher, and has helped her to understand what she cares about on the page and off. Laurie teaches all sorts of creative nonfiction classes online at, as well as Wild Writing classes at her home in Alameda, California. Visit her at