We’re nearing the end of the week, my friend. I’m thinking of you and sending some love and a li’l uplift.
It’s that time of year again when many people are making their lists and checking ’em twice. —— And then going buying gifts for people they know are really nice!
I’m all for gifts of love and appreciation, whether they are purchased or made. However, you all know that I have a special place in my heart for gifts OF THE HEART. I love gifts that show someone we SEE them and KNOW them.
I also love gifts that are experiential and that we can enjoy together.
I really believe that most people in our lives want more quality time with us. They want time off-screens where they have our undivided attention.
Today, I want to share a gift that you can give someone that is all of that!
This is a super fun gift that you can tailor specially for your friend or family member! It’s called “Makeshift Vacation.”
A “makeshift vacation” is a way of creating a memorable moment for yourself or someone else by combining just a few elements of vacation, wherever you are.
It often may be too costly to actually fly someone you love to Italy, Brazil, or Alaska, however you can bring the experience home to them!
I just published the how-to over on Kind Over Matter website.
Click here to read more and to copycat this easy and fun-to-make gift!
I want you to feel alive and creative. I want you to feel a renewed energy and the zing of novelty.
I want you to try this yourself because you will experience firsthand how simple it can be to add a little zest and whimsy to your life — all by creating one-of-a-kind creative gifts!
And really, don’t we all need more things to make us smile right now?
Don’t we need memorable moments with people we love?
Will you give it a try this holiday season or for someone’s birthday?
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry
P.S. Bon Voyage, my friend! Happy makeshift vacationing!
P.P.S. My book, Say it Now, has 33 Creative Gift Ideas just like this one that are FUN to make and MEANINGFUL to give. It is less than $10 on Amazon right now. Or, you can get it at Target or Bookshop. I would be so appreciative of your support for my work by purchasing this book! If you already have one, consider gifting it!