Thanks for joining me on another Sunday. I’m glad to be here with YOU.

I missed you last week while I was away on a retreat. 


Today I send you a new route on your morning walk and some surprise along the way. 

I send you birdsong — a trill and a call from high above in the trees. 

I send you a taste of something new, a brand new pair of socks, or a fresh perspective on your life. 


In today’s audio LoveGram we are in conversation about the power of inviting in something new — going someplace we’ve never been, attending a workshop, getting that mountaintop look at our lives. 

It takes a small bit of effort to take the initiative to change something up. 

I’m encouraging you to do so — and to watch what happens. Novelty and perspective generally bring us a woosh of energy!

Listen to today’s LoveGram by clicking to this page, then scrolling down until you see the audio player in the purple box. 


One of the ways you can invite in something new in the week ahead is to join my free group coaching call on Tuesday! 

You’ll have the chance to get that perspective I talked about, you’ll see some new faces, and you will pushing yourself a little past the comfort zone. 

I’ve posted the Zoom link down below. You don’t have to RSVP or sign up. I’ll be thrilled to see whomever shows up! 


I see your beautiful heart. 

I know you have great intentions for living your best life. 

I know you are doing the best you can. 

Just remember: sometimes you need to go in a tiny new direction to create a fresh look at your life! 

Hope I get to see you on Tuesday. 4pm PDT/7pmEDT. 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry