Thank you for being here. I love my Sunday conversations with you. 

Today, I send you a scribbled mark on an otherwise perfect paper. 

I send you the fallen branch, the bruised pear, the forgotten line of a poem. 

Today, I send you the beauty of all that is crooked.  


In today’s audio LoveGram we are in conversation about how we can be extra super special kind and gentle with ourselves when something goes “wrong” and our Squawky Polly minds tell us we done bad. 

It takes a lot of awareness to notice when we are getting beaten up by that tyrant inside of ourselves. Sometimes it comes as a voice and sometimes simply as a tightening of our throat or belly. 

I’m encouraging you to pay attention. And, treat yourself like you would your own best friend.

Listen to today’s LoveGram by clicking to this page, then scrolling down until you see the audio player in the purple box. 


Thank you to those of you who joined me on Tuesday for the Group Coaching call. Today’s LoveGram is in response to my own Squawky Polly yammerings after that call. 

I got told that I screwed up. That I didn’t connect well. That I was distracted. That I should have DONE BETTER.

The power went out five minutes before the call, so I tried to connect using my phone’s hot spot. It kinda worked. But not quite. All the beautiful faces on the zoom screen were frozen in crazy positions. I kept getting booted out. And I couldn’t really tell if people could hear me or not. 

I did the best I could. (Thank you, Wren, for reminding me of that!) I didn’t deserve all that mean self-talk. And, I’m glad I stopped it! 

You don’t deserve it, either. 

If something happened this past week, you can let it go. I’m giving you permission with this “Get out of jail free” card! 


I see you. 

I know you are always doing the best you can. 

I know you have big, generous love in your heart. 

Just remember: you are not alone on this journey! We are all in this together. We are all just walking each other home. (Thank you, Ram Dass.) 

Seek celebration — even in dark corners,

xo Sherry