First of all, I want to thank you for all of our connections in 2020. You mean so much to me.
HOLY TOLEDO! What a year, what a year, what a year.
I’m grateful for all of the support and love I’ve received from you. I hope you’ve felt, as I have, that we are indeed, walking each other home. (I’ve quoted that Ram Dass saying at least three dozen times this year!)
I’m so proud of you for every time you reached out to anyone to offer them a kind word, a gesture of support, a heartfelt gift, a donation, your love.
Take some time to pause and remember these moments of caring. Remember how you helped others get through hard times.
Remember how you showed up as your best self as often as you could.
And also, let’s take time to forgive ourselves for any of the times we fell into the pit, got lost in our fears, or weren’t able to muster the energy to love.
That’s okay. We’re human.
If 2020 had some big grief-filled, lonely, angry, or disappointing days, I just hope that you were not alone with those feelings and that you have a community of support around you.
We’re all doing the best we can. Know this in your bones.
May you always find comfort in nature, in the passing of time, and in small moments of kindness or gentleness that find their way to you.
May you feel loved.
In the spirit of starting off the New Year in the way we want to feel and what we want to experience, I hope you will join me in a “Say it Now” ritual that will lift our own spirits and also that of people in our lives.
Keep reading!
⭐ New Year’s Love-in-Action Idea for YOU! ⭐
I want to share (again! —I shared it last year, too!) with you a very simple and very beautiful idea that Elizabeth Bernstein told me about.
I met Elizabeth last year when she interviewed me for a column she was writing for the Wall Street Journal about connecting with strangers.
I immediately delighted in Elizabeth’s bright, curious energy. We ended up talking about all kinds of things and she happened to mention a ritual she does at New Year’s.
I know in my own life that I often need to be reminded over and over of the loving practices that support me and that serve others.
In fact, when I was thinking about my own New Year’s celebration, this idea dropped in and it almost felt brand new.
Here’s a link to a 13-minute audio that you will really enjoy.
This is all about the New Year’s ritual Elizabeth does every year as a way of offering gratitude and love to everyone in her life.
Here’s the part that you will love best — it is super simple! And you can choose to spend 10 minutes or all day doing it!
Please listen and consider making this a tradition for yourself! It doesn’t have to be on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. It can be anytime at the start of January. Or … anytime at all!
If you do this love-in-action ritual, will you let me know?!
I really appreciate you!
Seek celebration — even in dark corners,
xo Sherry