On Mother’s Day I posted a dance party video online that was full of goofy fun — my mom, niece, and I dancing in costumes while my 12-year-old son directed us by shouting choreography: “Twirl your hats!” “Spin!” “Nana, do a solo dance!”
I’ve been thinking about how much fun it was to share that old footage with my mom, niece, and the rest of the family. We had some good laughs over it!
And it made me recall something else that happened recently: my dear friend Tricia told me that she had a box full of photos that she had brought from her mom’s house — and so we decided to have a photo party.
We each had a glass of wine and we spent hours looking through photos from all of Tricia’s life.
It was so much fun!
I loved the stories she shared as particular photos sparked long-forgotten memories. I saw photos of her as a little kid with her brother next to the Christmas tree. I saw photos of her riding horses. I saw photos of her dad painting. I saw her family outside by the picnic table back in the 70’s.
I also saw photos from times I’d shared with Tricia several decades ago! “Look at our hair!” “Oh that cabin was so beautiful.” “Remember him?!”
Do you have boxes or albums of photos from years gone by? Or maybe you have ready-made slide shows in your computer files?
Would you consider inviting someone you love to come have a photo party?! It is a wonderful way to get to share stories with someone you’ve known a long time — or maybe a new friend whom you recently met!
You could also ask a friend of yours if they have photos and if you could invite yourself to come take a peek!
Our lives are made up of memorable moments. Share these memories with someone you love!
If you try it, let me know in the comments below what it was like!
P.S. One of the things Tricia has in her big box of photos was this mock magazine cover I had made for her when we both worked at a humane society. (Our nonprofit’s magazine was called Pawprint.) She was leaving to take another job and I remember creating this for her as a keepsake back in 1993! No doubt, I’ve always loved creating one-of-a-kind gifts. It was such fun to see one again after all these years!