I made a gift for you: it is a four-minute video filled with bubble joy!

Treat yourself to these few minutes of pure happiness. (Be sure and watch full screen to get all the oomph!)

I had a blast creating it — and I think you’ll smile big when you watch it.

Bubble Flash mobs (bubbles + two or more people + a starting time) are simple, inexpensive gifts we can give to a whole group of people at one time.

They are magical.

You can create this magic.

Would you consider doing this for your next family gathering or company picnic? Can you imagine going to the park, a children’s playground, or a concert and handing out bubbles to strangers?

Could you keep a dozen containers of bubble solution in your garage and be at the ready with a surprise when you see a group of neighborhood children playing?

Watch my short video and then take the idea and make it a gift with your own twist.

Let me know what you think!

Feeling giddy,



Photo gratitude: Black and white photo of my beau, Ian copyright John Nieto Photography.  Color photo of Ian and me copyright Andrea Scher Photography