Recently I was selected to become a teacher at Brave Girls University, which is a wonderful online club that offers dozens of soulful, creative, heartfelt classes about art, writing, relationships, business, and more.
And as a perk of being a teacher, I get to offer a free trial membership to folks in my community.
That’s YOU!
What this means is that you can sign-up at no cost at all and try any of the classes you want — including mine —for free!
Click here to see a list of the teachers + offerings. It will give you a sense of what is available. As you’re scanning the page, pay attention to any small bursts of “yes” or a quiet “I would like that.” Remember that you’re listening to your heart and not to your head. Often times, Monkey Mind is lurking in the head — ready with judgment, criticism, and plenty of “you-can’t-do-thats.” The heart, however, tells the truth.
If you see a class that resonates, give it to yourself. Why not? It doesn’t cost a thing. And it could bring you all kinds of new ways of learning, feeling, being, or expressing yourself.
One class that you take for free during this trial membership could launch you into a whole new world of being.
Be generous with yourself. Celebrate your yearnings. Care for yourself like you would care for the person you love best in the world. Because you deserve to be the person you love best in the world.
Here’s how to get your free trial membership:
Visit Brave Girls University and fill out the enrollment form. When you get to the part with the subtotal, you simply fill in the coupon code with this: sherryrichertbelul.
You’ll see that the total cost to you will update to $0. You can try any of the classes during the month and if you don’t want to continue, you just cancel your membership before the next month begins. If you love the classes, as I expect you will, you can continue being a member.
Here’s what my Celebration Bookmaking class is about:
Don’t wait to tell the people in your life how much they matter. This class will walk you through all of the steps to create a custom gift book that is chock-full of stories, photos, appreciations, and wishes from a whole group of someone’s friends, family, and colleagues. I include templates, resources, inspirational videos, and much more. I know you’ll love it. The class is regularly $29, but you can take it FREE with this trial membership.
P.S. If you sign up for your free trial membership today and you begin my Celebration Bookmaking Class, you can have a book completed in time for a summer birthday or wedding!
P.P.S. Here are just a few of the AMAZING teachers in BGU: Melody Ross, Kelly Rae Roberts, Christine Mason Miller, Maya Stein, Andrea Scher, Amy Tingle, Kathy Wilkins, Flora Bowley, and so many more!
P.P.P.S. Just to make it easy, here is the link again for the FREE trial membership that allows you to take any classes you want! Where it says, “Enter coupon code,” use sherryrichertbelul. I encourage you to invite a friend or two to join you by signing up for their own trial membership; you can be class buddies!
Sherry’s photo by Keith Dixon Studios: Thanks Keith!