
As we head into a brand new year, I just want to remind us all that EVERY day of our lives is a celebration.

Whether you rang in 2016 with great fanfare, whether it was full of joy or you were blue or if it was just … meh, it doesn’t matter.

Today is a brand new day. We get to create the life we want, moment by moment. The chance to begin again is always in front of us.

*What pinprick of light can you create right now for yourself or someone else?*

My wish for you is that your 2016 is filled with the tiniest moments of sparkle and gleam: that hug before he goes out the door, the smell of lime, the joy of movement, colored lights on a dark night, the taste of tangerine, the sound of bells in the distance, a smattering of snow on the lawn, laughing with family, surprising someone with a tiny kindness.

Let each pinprick of light be a new beginning. Let each pinprick of light be a celebration of life.

Sending love from Ohio where I just finished sipping some eggnog + doing a crossword puzzle with my family,



dot-orange-150x150P.S. Today’s a great day to begin making an ongoing Love List for someone in your life. Simply cut up some small slips of colored paper and keep them handy in a box or bag. Every day write down just one thing you love about this person in your life. If it is your spouse or child, you could write something specific about the day you shared. For instance, “I love that you made me hot chocolate and remembered extra mini marshmallows.” When it is their birthday or even next New Year’s, find a beautiful container for all the slips o’ love and you can gift that person with this deluxe Joy Jar Love List!